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Informații suplimentare
Autor | |
Format | 21×29.7 |
ISBN | 1843-9985 |
Pagini | 114 |
We want this issue of Human Education Today for Tomorrow’s World to reflect the essence of the concerns of teachers and students, some searches, more or less careful observations. Our desire to gather these materials and concerns in a number of pages, to make them available to readers / learners has increased with the accumulation and selection of papers. In fact, selecting the material for publication was a rather difficult task.
We want the selected material to be an urge to publish in our magazine and an informative educational and formative basis for readers of different ages and professions who will have the curiosity to browse. Some challenges in the topic can be a way of supporting self-education and lifelong learning for the benefit of the community we live in.
This information in this issue of the journal addresses for confrontation:
- students attending the initial and continuing training courses at the Department for Teacher Training and Development;
- practical teachers in their continuous training effort to achieve the objectives of education;
- curriculum programmers and curriculum textbooks, of specialist didactics, to bring amendments to the optimization of the instructive-educational process;
- teachers – mentors who coordinate the development of pedagogical practice;
- pupils / students, „subjects of education”, who are primary beneficiaries etc.
How much truth stems from G. Bachelard’s words – „Scientific thinking is in a state of permanent pedagogy,” or „A school in which the teacher does not teach is an absurdity” (C. Noica), or „You do not teach others do what you know, do not teach them what you want, but teach them what you are”(J. Jaures).
We thank all those who have supported us in drafting this issue of the journal, through critical suggestions and remarks. Waiting for suggestions, remarks, challenges … I hope in the attenuating circumstances of readers.
Ph.D. Professor